Version 3.3.1 released 06/2020
- You can access the settings directly from the app now
Version 3.2 released 11/2017
- The shift definition can now specify an address and an alert time. This information is entered in the calendar. The alert will be used by the calendar app, and the map app can display the fastest route.
- It is possible to enter an address in the settings, which will then be used for all shifts - if the shift does not have its own address.
- In the settings you can now enter a prefix for the calendar entries in the email. This prefix is inserted before the shift name. Thus, instead of "early shift", for example, "Peter early shift" is sent.
- The issue of occasional crashes on iOS 10 and iOS 11 has been resolved.
Version 3.0 released October 25th, 2015
- Roster: You can now create shift sequences or shift cycles. Tap all shifts on the roster page that belong together, and give the cycle a name - that's all. You can add a shift cycle to the calendar as easily as a single shift.
- You can now select which calendar ClockOn should use for your roster. To do so, go to the roster page and turn the unit to landscape mode. Top right is displayed a button with the name of the selected calendar. By tapping this button, you can choose a different calendar. You may need to create a new calendar in the Calendar app, first.
- Send your roster as iCal file: On the roster page at the upper right, you find a button "email" (only visible if you don’t have selected anything in the list). With this button you can make an email with an attached ical-file. This file can easily be imported into any calendar. You can, of course, enter the email address in the settings of ClockOn.
- The email for your work hours now uses an HTML table. If necessary the old presentation can be switched on again in the settings of ClockOn.
- With iOS 8 and iOS 9 the help files did not show. This has been fixed.
- Sometimes the App crashed when opening the roster page. This was fixed, too.
Version 2.1.1 released May 30th, 2013!
- bugfix: break length is now displayed correctly
Version 2.1 released May 22nd, 2013!
- Shift name and duration of the break are displayed for each day
- They are also printed in the email for each day
- bugfix: the comment will again be diplayed in the landscape position.
- bugfix: in rare conditions the break time was not saved correctly. This problem is solved now.
- bugfix: calculation of total work time of the month was corrected.
New features in Version 2.0 (released April, 2013)
- New roster module. Enter your roster comfortably in the roster module of ClockOn. The shifts are also automatically entered into your calendar. You can even move a shift to another day on the calendar - the change is then performed in ClockOn, too. ClockOn uses the planned working hours for overtime calculation.
- The timekeeping now works with start, stop and pause buttons. If the planned shift is known (from the calendar module or from the default entry on the "shifts" page) you can still capture the end of your working day only. The start time will be added according to the planned shift.
- Your actual break time can now be taken by ClockOn. If you have more than one break then the times are added together. If you don't want to measure your break time, the planned break time is used.
- You can use working times longer than 23 h 59 min now.
- Adapted to the larger display of the iPhone 5
- Improved help files.
New features in Version 1.8 (released February 11th, 2012)
- The time picker wheels were set to a 5 minute interval, so manual change of the time was possible only in 5 minute steps. Now you can change the accuracy of "manual time adjustment" in the settings to 1 minute.
New features in Version 1.7 (released December 8th, 2011)
- The Working Times module displays comments if the iPhone is held in landscape position.
- The Shifts module now displays the configured work times in the list.
- Bugfix: Calculation of the begin-time is now correct on the day when daylight saving time starts or ends.
- The email module now has a button to recommend the app to a friend.
- Tested with iOS 5.0.1
New features in Version 1.6 (released August 27th, 2011)
- french localization added
- minor change: when editing the name of the default shift the shift is still checkmarked as default
New features in Version 1.5 (released July 1st, 2011):
- Improvement of the e-mail function. It is now possible to send a mail for any past month.
- Automatic detection of the beginning and end of shift. The "simple use, check at go only" option is not needed anymore.
- Online help installed with link to the developer's website
- The shift names are not sorted alphabetically, but can be arranged as desired.
- Spanish localization added.